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For editorial originality, Similarity Check helps editors compare the text of submitted papers for similarity.

Similarity Check is a service for editors who want an extra check. The service helps our members to actively engage in efforts to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism by providing their editorial teams with access to Turnitin’s powerful text comparison tool, iThenticate. Watch the video below to find out more:

Watch the introductory animation in your language: français; español; português do Brasil; 简体中文; 日本語; 한국어; العربية; Bahasa Indonesia; or English below.

With editors under increased pressure to assess higher volumes of manuscript submissions each year, Similarity Check provides immediate feedback regarding a manuscript’s similarity to other published academic and general web content. And as the iThenticate database contains over 50 million full-text scholarly content items, editors can be confident that Similarity Check will provide a comprehensive and reliable addition to their workflow.

As members contribute their own published content into iThenticate’s database of full-text literature, the service is open to any Crossref member who is actively publishing and assigning Crossref DOIs to their journal article content.


While there are several plagiarism screening tools available, Similarity Check participants enjoy cost-effective use of iThenticate because they contribute their own published content into Turnitin’s database of full-text literature. This means that as the number of participants grows, so too does the size of the database powering the service. More content in the database, means greater peace of mind for editors looking to determine a manuscript’s originality.

Turnitin also provides our members with access to additional features in iThenticate, such as enhanced text-matches within the document viewer. And with access to Turnitin’s dedicated Similarity Check support team, our members always have a direct line to Turnitin in order to discuss any technical or billing queries.

How it works

In return for a reduced fee for access to iThenticate, Similarity Check members allow Turnitin to index their full catalogue of current and archival published content as this ensures the highest level of text-matching accuracy. This means that the service is only available to members who are actively publishing DOI-assigned content.

Turnitin index members’ content directly via their Content Intake System. Their CIS accesses our metadata daily to collect the full-text content links provided by our members within their DOI deposit metadata. Turnitin follow these URLs and index the content found at each location. If full-text content is protected by authentication, then the member’s hosting provider must whitelist Turnitin’s IP range to ensure their content is accessible for indexing purposes.

On application to join, members must ensure they have full-text URLs present in at least 90% of their article-level metadata (across all the member’s journal prefixes, if applicable). These URLs need to point directly to the full-text PDF, HTML or plain text content. Members must also ensure that these links are included in all future deposits too.

Once members meet the eligibility criteria for Similarity Check, Turnitin will provide them with access to iThenticate. Using iThenticate, members will be able to upload their own manuscripts to compare against the full corpus of published academic and general web content in Turnitin’s database. iThenticate provides a similarity score and a highlighted set of matches to similar text. Editors can then further review matches in order to make their own decision regarding a manuscript’s originality.

How to participate

If you’re a Crossref member and are assigning article-level DOIs which include the URL to the full-text PDF, HTML or plain text content for Similarity Check, then you’re eligible to join the service.

Your first step is to check that you have in fact included full-text URLs for Similarity Check in at least 90% of your Crossref article-level DOI deposits. You can check this using the widget below - just type your account name in the box below, select the correct one from the list, and your result will be automatically calculated.

If you do meet the obligations, the widget will link you to a form to apply for Similarity Check. If you don’t meet the obligations, the widget will allow you to download a CSV showing all your DOIs that don’t have the links, and instructions for how to add them.

Good news - you’re eligible to register for our Similarity Check service.
Simply complete the online form.

The team at Turnitin will receive this application, and will send you their terms and conditions to sign. They’ll also ask us to raise a pro-rated invoice for your Similarity Check service fee. And finally, the team at Turnitin will check that they can access your content. Please note: if your full-text content is protected by authentication, then you’ll need to ask your hosting provider to whitelist Turnitin’s IP range to ensure your content is accessible for indexing purposes. Do make sure that this is done before you apply.

We’re sorry, but you are not eligible to register for our Similarity Check service just yet.
To be eligible you need to register full-text urls for Similarity Check pointing to the full text article for more than 90% of your content. You can find out how to add these full-text urls for Similarity Check to your existing content here. To see exactly which content items are missing the full text article, simply click the “Generate CSV” button above. Please note, this CSV can only show the first 10k content items. If you have more than 10k content items missing DOIs, please contact us on

It looks as though you haven’t deposited any content with us yet. To be eligible for Similarity Check you need to be registering content with us and including urls for Similarity Check that point to the full text article for at least 90% of your content. You can find out more about how to register content here and more about the full-text urls for Similarity Check here. If you aren’t registering journal articles and instead are registering other content types (for example, conference papers) please get in touch with our membership team.

Obligations and fees


Similarity Check fees are in two parts: a per-document checking fee and an annual administrative fee. Per-document checking fees are paid directly to Turnitin and are significantly less than those charged by Turnitin to stand-alone iThenticate users. Additionally, volume discounts also apply. The annual administrative fee is paid to us and is set at 20% of your Crossref annual membership fee.

+- Terms and conditions

Similarity Check is a program being offered by Crossref to its members, on an optional basis. Similarity Check is designed to aid Crossref members in identifying circumstances in which works being considered for publication may have been previously published in whole or in part by (i) facilitating the creation of the Similarity Check Database, (ii) identifying appropriate providers of software tools that can compare the text of works being considered for publication to the text of other works, including those in the Similarity Check Database, and (iii) establishing general recommended terms of participation for Participating Publishers and the identified software provider.

All Crossref members who currently meet the member obligations shall be eligible to participate in Similarity Check. Participating members must make their content (as further defined below) available for inclusion in the Similarity Check database. To meet the required level of participation, the participating member must deposit the content associated with at least 90% of deposited DOIs for full text journal articles, although 100% inclusion of full text content in machine readable form (journal articles, conference proceedings articles, books and books chapters and theses and dissertations) (“the publisher content”) is the agreed goal. Components (defined as subparts of content that are generally not citable) and datasets will not be included, and will not be considered “content” for purposes of determining the level of participation. This requirement will also apply to the content associated with the participating members DOI’s deposited monthly with Crossref on an ongoing basis.

In addition, all participating members will enter into an agreement directly with the plagiarism detection vendor (the “vendor”) providing the software platform for Similarity Check. A form agreement can be found here: Similarity Check Service Agreement.

In addition, all Participating Publishers will enter into an agreement directly with the plagiarism detection vendor (the “Vendor”) providing the software platform for Similarity Check. A form agreement can be found here: Similarity Check Service Agreement.

Qualifications:Each Similarity Check participating member should comply with the service level standards and reporting obligations contained in the vendor’s agreement with Similarity Check, and in the vendor’s agreement with each participating member:Must make content available in the Similarity Check database on an ongoing basis, within no more than 7 days of digital availability, by both registering DOIs for the content with Crossref within this period, and enabling vendor to index the content. (Failure of the vendor to index content made available by a participant will not affect the right of the participating member to use Similarity Check. The participating member is only responsible for making content available for indexing. Failure to make content available for indexing could result in suspension of Similarity Check.)

Must deposit with Crossref, along with DOIs for the publisher content, full, correct and current metadata, including article title, and all authors.Must make the full text of the content available, as part of the Similarity Check database, to other participants in the context of the interface provided by the vendor as part of the content checking process. Users of the vendor’s service who are not participating members will only see snippets of text with a DOI link to the participating member’s site, where the participating member will have full discretion to determine whether and on what terms to user may be given access to the full text.

May not submit works to be checked against the Similarity Check database through the vendor’s service until all the journal articles included in the content has been made available to the vendor for inclusion in the Similarity Check database (i.e., >90% of the journal content associated with the eligible participating member DOIs on deposit with Crossref).

Must have full-text URLs on deposit at Crossref that point to the full-text PDF (preferable), HTML or plain text content.Is responsible for verifying their in-house and outside editorial staff and reviewers do not use their access to Similarity Check as a “back-door” method for getting free full-text access to included content. The steps to be used to accomplish this should include (i) limiting access to the service to those employees and outside contractors who, in the participating member’s reasonable judgment, have a need to use the service; (ii) requiring each employee and contractor using the service to register using his or her real name and current job title; (iii) limiting submissions to the service for checking to those that pertain to content published by the participating member; (iv) taking reasonable steps to ensure that account information and passwords used to access the service are kept confidential and are not shared beyond the permitted users of the service; (v) submitting to an audit of users, to be conducted by the vendor at the vendor’s cost no more often than once per year, to determine if unauthorized users are being given or are getting access to the vendor’s services through the participating member; and (vi) taking reasonable steps to monitor use and potential abuse of the service, based on usage reports to be provided by vendor.Shall be entitled to the number of accounts with vendor that are reasonably necessary for the participating member to make use of the service, with no set limit on the number of accounts on a per-member basis.

Shall establish a procedure with the participating member for help desk and support questions regarding the use of the vendor’s software, and shall make arrangements for appropriate training for one or more persons including, where feasible, on-site training at the vendor’s facilities, to facilitate efficient contact between the participating member and vendor. The established procedure shall include the designation of a single point of contact with the participating member, unless otherwise agreed in the agreement between the participating member and vendor. Such individual agreements may also include additional support and service commitments on the part of the vendor.

  1. Must make Publisher Content available in the Similarity Check database on an ongoing basis, within no more than 7 days of digital availability, by both registering DOIs for Publisher Content with Crossref within this period and enabling Vendor to index Publisher Content. (Failure of the Vendor to index content made available by a participant will not affect the right of the Participating Publisher to use Similarity Check. The Participating Publisher is only responsible for making content available for indexing. Failure to make content available for indexing could result in suspension of Similarity Check for a Participating Publisher.)
  2. Must deposit with Crossref, along with DOIs for the Publisher Content, full, correct and current metadata including article title and all authors.
  3. Must make the full text of the Publisher Content available, as part of the Similarity Check Database, to other Participating Publishers in the context of the interface provided by the Vendor as part of the content checking process. Users of the Vendor’s service who are not Participating Publishers will only see snippets of text with a DOI link to the Participating Publisher’s site, where the Participating Publisher will have full discretion to determine whether and on what terms to user may be given access to the full text.
  4. May not submit works to be checked against the Similarity Check Database through the Vendor’s service until substantially all the journal articles included in the Publisher Content has been made available to the Vendor for inclusion in the Similarity Check database (i.e., >90% of the journal content associated with eligible Participating Publisher DOIs on deposit with Crossref).
  5. Must have full-text URLs on deposit at Crossref that point to the full-text PDF (preferable), HTML or plain text content.
  6. Is responsible for verifying that their in-house and outside editorial staff and reviewers do not use their access to Similarity Check as a “back-door” method for getting free full-text access to included content. The steps to be used to accomplish this should include (i) limiting access to the service to those employees and outside contractors who, in the Participating Publisher’s reasonable judgment, have a need to use the service; (ii) requiring each employee and contractor using the service to register using his or her real name and current job title; (iii) limiting submissions to the service for checking to those that pertain to a publication published by the Participating Publisher; (iv) taking reasonable steps to ensure that account information and passwords used to access the service are kept confidential and are not shared beyond the permitted users of the service; (v) submitting to an audit of users, to be conducted by the Vendor at the Vendor’s cost no more often than once per year, to determine if unauthorized users are being given or are getting access to the Vendor’s services through the Participating Publisher; and (vi) taking reasonable steps to monitor use and potential abuse of the service, based on usage reports to be provided by Vendor.
  7. Shall be entitled to the number of accounts with Vendor that are reasonably necessary for the Participating Publisher to make use of the Service, with no set limit on the number of accounts on a per-member basis.
  8. Shall establish a procedure within the Participating Publisher for help desk and support questions regarding the use of the Vendor’s software, and shall made arrangements for appropriate training for one or more persons including, where feasible, on-site training at the Vendor’s facilities, to facilitate efficient contact between the Participating Publisher and Vendor. The established procedure shall include the designation of a single point of contact with the Participating Publisher unless otherwise agreed in the agreement between the Participating Publisher and Vendor. Such individual agreements may also include additional support and service commitments on the part of the Vendor.
  9. Shall establish a procedure for informing authors that works submitted for publication may be checked through a plagiarism detection system and that, as part of this process, the submitted work will be copied for internal checking purposes and that a copy may be retained, although not further disseminated or integrated into the Similarity Check or other, Vendor supplied databases.

Shall establish a procedure for informing authors that works submitted for publication may be checked through a plagiarism detection system and that, as part of this process, the submitted work will be copied for internal checking purposes and that a copy may be retained, although not further disseminated or integrated into the Similarity Check or other, vendor supplied databases.

Similarity Check Monitoring and Verification

After an initial start up period of 3 months from the commencement of participation by a particular member, Crossref will have the ability to review the level of participation of Participating Publishers to confirm that they are meeting the obligations of the service. A Participating Publisher who meets those qualifications will have two status indicators available for use. We expect that members will find it valuable to highlight their participation in Similarity Check to demonstrate that they are adding value to the editorial process and cooperating to help ensure that content published as original is properly identified. Suitable logos will be developed that indicate Similarity Check participation, as follows:

“Similarity Check depositor”: May be displayed on a participants website and at other locations as set forth in the Similarity Check trademark guidelines to indicate that the member has satisfied the requirements for participating in Similarity Check. This will, by implication, indicate that the member is being a “good citizen” in the fight against plagiarism. However, the use of this status indicator does not carry any implication with respect to the plagiarism status of the participating members works. Wondershare dr.fone serial number mac.

“Similarity Check deposited”: May be displayed on articles or other relevant content to indicate that the item has been deposited into the Similarity Check database. This can act as warning to those who might plagiarize the item.These phrases and the associated logos will be factual indications that the member participates in Similarity Check and that a particular work is included in the database used by Similarity Check. Their use does not give any indication or assurances about the content of the particular works with which they are associated, including about whether the particular work contains or does not contain plagiarized materials.

During the period that the initial plagiarism detection vendor, Turnitin LLC., is the sole vendor for Similarity Check, use of the Similarity Check trademarks and/or logos, as described in these Terms and Conditions, will include the phrase “Powered by iThenticate.”

These phrases and the associated logos will be factual indications that the member participates in Similarity Check and that a particular work is included in the database used by Similarity Check. Their use does not give any indication or assurances about the content of the particular works with which they are associated, including about whether the particular work contains or does not contain plagiarized materials.


Do I need to be a Crossref member to join Similarity Check?Similarity Check is only available to Crossref members.

What technology are you using to provide this service?We have partnered with leading plagiarism screening systems vendor Turnitin to create the Similarity Check database and to use their iThenticate tool for checking documents against the database. As a Similarity Check member, you will need to sign a service agreement with Turnitin to use their system and to provide them with access to your full-text content. This agreement has been fully reviewed and approved by us and several of our members and should not require any additional negotiation.

What is the difference between Similarity Check and iThenticate?Similarity Check is a service specifically for our members. It provides members with cost-effective access to the iThenticate text comparison software from Turnitin. Other organizations and individuals can use the iThenticate service directly by contacting iThenticate.

Similarity Check members benefit from a tailored iThenticate experience that includes read-only access to the full text of articles in the Similarity Check database for comparison purposes, discounted checking fees and unlimited user accounts per organization.

I’m not able to include full-text URLs in my metadata. Can Turnitin index my content using another method?No. To ensure the most robust, secure and complete indexing of content, Turnitin is only able to support the direct-indexing method. This involves following the URLs that member’s provide in their Crossref metadata to find and index full-text content. Turnitin do also operate a general web crawler, called Walker, but this crawler targets general web content and is not suitable for comprehensively indexing full-text, published academic content.

To see which Crossref members are registering full text Similarity Check URLs visit Participation Reports (beta). These reports give a clear picture for anyone to see the metadata Crossref has including full text Similarity Check URLs used by Turnitin to index full text content. This is data that’s long been available via our Public REST API, now visualized.

Please contact our membership team with any questions or to get set up, or contact our support team for any technical or troubleshooting questions.

For iThenticate user help, please refer to Turnitin’s Similarity Check User Manual or get in touch with their support team at

Plagiarism is a big problem in the online world, not to mention a very old one in academia, government, and industry. Some modern tools have made it easier for teachers, administrators, and employers to check for plagiarism in text submitted by writers, test takers, job seekers, and others who might seek to gain an advantage from others' labors or property (it's known as 'stealing').

Plagiarisma's Desktop Plagiarism Checker is a handy interface for a Web-based plagiarism search tool that supports more than 190 languages and many document types. The software and service are free, but you must create an online account to use them. You can sign in via Facebook and other social media, too. Registering gave us access to more features, such as spell checkers and a task scheduler.

Desktop Plagiarism Checker has a very simple interface, with a blank field for pasting or typing in text and the option to search Google, Bing, or Yahoo, on one tab, and Google Scholar or Google Books on another tab. We could also specify an exact search, though the program uses fuzzy logic for finding near misses (which sometimes turn out to be hits).

There's a check box to search the TOR network. Selecting this produces a pop-up warning for the user to show that TOR is only for checking single sentences and only when other searches have failed, and that abusing the TOR network will get your IP banned. But we didn't need to use TOR since we planned to search for material we knew we'd find. And find it we did.

We simply pasted some raw text, chose our search engine, deselected the exact search feature to catch edits and typos, and clicked Check Duplicates. After some thinking, Desktop Plagiarism Checker returned three matches, exactly where we'd expected to find them. Satisfied, we turned the tool loose on some other documents with similar results.

Tools like Desktop Plagiarism Checker and Plagiarisma's Web site make detection of online plagiarism easier.

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