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Goong S: Episode 20 (FINAL)

And here it is. The last episode!

I have to say, for a series I was only half-interested in for the first half of its run, this was a pretty good finale. I was simultaneously surprised that I liked it, and sad that the rest of the series couldn’t be as solid. If I had to put it to a phrase, I’d say it was quietly moving. Which isn’t to suggest it’s boring or uneventful, but you see people dealing with their choices and consequences in a thoughtful way. And the end, in case you were worried, is happy enough for me!


Infinity of Sound – “Spring.” (This song was played in Episode 5. New pop group composed of triplet sisters making eclectic music with traditional musical instruments.) [ zShare download ]

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Also, if you thought Episode 19’s recap was long, this one’s a real mother! Seriously, it’s monstrous. You have been forewarned.

Joon resigns himself to the fire, recalling events of the recent past. He remembers the scene from last episode which I left out of the recap (the summary was getting long), when Joon and Shi-yeon reminisce on how they met. But since Shi-yeon has earned it:

(From Episode 19)

Joon remembers meeting young Shi-yeon when they were 7. She was so sad at being separated from her parents that she cried, and barely spoke. One day, they went out to play and he remembers the first time she laughed; they fell into the river and got in so much trouble. Joon likes how simple things were back then, before they knew anything, just happily playing.

Anyway, back to the fire. Joon is drowning (and burning) in his sorrows when Shi-yeon finally finds him, slumped over, and rescues him…

…and Joon wakes up in the hospital. Hyo-jang coldly tells him he must get his act together in front of the royals when they name him Hwang Taeja. But Joon’s a little more sad over the fact that — wait, what? — Shi-yeon died?!?!?! While rescuing Joon?!

Yeah. Exactly.

It’s sad, because despite all the wildly inconsistent character portrayals that have driven me crazy (Hwang Tae-hu foremost among them), Shi-yeon has never wavered. Sure, she did some awful things for the Evil One, but she was in service of her master. She once told Joon she would die for his father if he needed it. I guess she fulfilled that duty, but perhaps she got a small victory in death, in that she was serving her love just as much as she was serving her master. *Tear*

Hoo introduces Yang Soon-yi to his uncle, the Hyo-sung Dae-gong. Hoo wonders if he has to leave the Palace once Joon is named Hwang Taeja, and he probably will, since that’s the royal law.

On some score, Hoo’s disappointed — he tried hard and truly wanted to do well. “But on the other hand, I do feel free. Because if I leave the Palace, I want to marry her.”


Soon-yi: “It feels odd… I thought you’d always live in the prince’s quarters in the Palace.”
Hoo: “It doesn’t feel real for me, either. I’ll have to go to where my parents once lived… But since I can be with you, I feel fortunate. Let’s try and live happily.”

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“Yang Soon. I don’t want to be selfish anymore. Let’s just act like we’re not royal… People who know how to be happy.”

The Queen Mother comes to Hoo, upset (yet again) that he introduced Soon-yi to his uncle. If he continues to be stubborn, she’ll consider that to mean he’s disrespecting her. She asks if he’s doing this to get revenge for her role in his mother’s banishment. (Which… isn’t a bad idea, really. Seriously, using your happiness to make someone unhappy? Best revenge ever.)

But Hoo asks if she can’t be more open-minded now that he won’t become the Hwang Taeja: “Yang Soon-yi and I may both be young, but we just want to be together, that’s it.”

Han Sang Gung (Yang Soon-yi’s strict boss) approaches the Queen Mother and speaks up for Soon-yi. She has also noticed that the relationship between Hoo and Soon-yi is similar to the fate of Hoo’s parents. But cutting off Hoo’s mother from the royalty was an act of cowardice. She remembers that the Queen Mother had been a strong supporter of Hoo’s parents’ marriage. She had strongly persuaded the elders, who opposed the match, into accepting. True love isn’t something that status can divide. If status is taken too seriously, in the wrong way, it can bring many people misfortune. (Go, Han Sang Gung! I take back every unforgiving thought I’ve ever had of your character.)

Joon asks his mother if she believes he has the qualifications and eligibility to be Crown Prince. After all, he’s not of the royal bloodline. Evil Mom asks if Joon’s spoken to Jo Sang-ki — because Ajusshi is mistaken, Joon is absolutely his father’s son. But Joon doesn’t believe her — he didn’t hear the news from Jo Sang-ki, he heard it from his father.

Evil Mom is, understandably, shaken, and tells her husband that Joon believes Hyo-jang isn’t his father. And Hyo-jang matter-of-factly agrees; after all, he’s not. All these years, Joon’s mother thought she was fooling him, but he knew. He knew she had another man. She admits to being unfaithful, but is certain Joon is definitely his son. But Hyo-jang reveals another shocking truth — he can’t father children. He was told by the hospital that he’s sterile, so there’s no use insisting on the matter. Joon’s mother says if he’s really doesn’t believe it, they can perform a test to find out.

Joon gives the evidence to Hoo, who then goes to see Hyo-jang and his wife. He tells them, “It’s time for you to confess.” Hoo doesn’t intend to expose them to the outside world. But he wants them to apologize for what they did to his parents. But the couple are dismissive — they think he’s bluffing, and say they had nothing to do with his mother.

So Hoo resolutely says: “I understand. Then for the sake of the truth, I will settle the score for what you did to my parents, trampling over their lives.”

He leaves. Hyo-jang thinks Hoo seems different — the look in his eyes is stronger, different. But they brush it aside as empty threats.

Joon goes to see Soon-yi. But unlike his last few visits, this time, he seems calm and at peace.

“I’ve always lived according to what my father told me to do. But after meeting you, that changed little by little. I had such a hard wall around me. Only concerned for my own feelings, I made things hard for others. Because I was hurting, I disregarded your feelings too. There were so many things I wanted to do for you, but I couldn’t do anything. I’ll stop here. I won’t continue. And this time, it’s for my sake. I won’t forget what you’ve taught me.”

Now, THIS! Is the gentle prince Joon we should have seen more! If we had, I might actually care about him as a character.

Likewise, Sae-ryung and Hoo talk as well.

Hoo: “I’m always thankful to you, and sorry.”
Sae-ryung: “We’re too different, aren’t we? If you’d lived as royalty from the start, or if I was your schoolmate like Soon-yi… would I have had a chance?”

Hoo gives her a ticket to New York, and tells her: “If there’s a place you wanted to go most in the world, I thought it would be there. I’ve felt you’ve always longed for your mother. Don’t hide it any longer, and tell her in person, that you missed her.”

Sae-ryung is touched at the gesture — and it’s a pretty damn good gesture. Hoo’s the only person in the world whom she allowed herself to be vulnerable with, and although he couldn’t accept her love, he still cared for her and remembered something this deeply important to her.

(Dude, I know Seven’s a major star, and he’s the main character, and this is the last episode, and Hoo is supposed to be a strong, wonderful person… but any more of this hero edit and I’m going to melt into a gooey puddle on the floor and you’ll have to scrape me off with a spatula. I can’t take it; he’s too lovely.)

Soon-yi takes off her necklace…

At the announcement of the royal successor, they tally the scores of the challenges, which Joon has won. However, before they can officially announce him the Hwang Taeja, Joon interrupts. He announces he isn’t fit for the Crown Prince. During the challenges, he cheated and acted dishonorably. Everyone’s shocked and in disbelief, particularly the Hyo-jang (who looks like he’s swallowed a goat), but Joon tells them that Hoo is the rightful successor; Joon cannot be the Hwang Taeja.

As for the matter of Hoo’s mother… The Pye-ha calls Joon’s parents to her chambers, and ask if they remember the incident 20 years ago. Hoo presents an audiotape of Joon’s parents saying that the crime couldn’t be traced back to them. Luckily for them, blame fell to Hoo’s mother. They threaten the subordinate with his life and his family’s safety if he tells.

Apparently Joon handed over the evidence to Hoo under the condition that they don’t prosecute his parents. Hoo says he’ll keep their promise; all he wants is to clear his mother’s name.

Hoo asks why Joon gave up. Joon: “Because from the start, it was not my road to take. But you’re different. You may not know it yourself, but your fate with the Palace goes back a long while.”

At the river, Hoo and Soon-yi talk.

Soon-yi: “If you look at it one way, it’s like it was originally your place to begin with. Without being greedy or ambitious, it came back around to you, simply.”
Hoo: “We met again like that, too. Nothing will change because of me being Hwang Taeja. If we just keep our hearts as one, we’ll be fine. I’ll try hard. Whatever happens, just trust me and follow, no matter what, okay?”
Soon-yi: “With such a refined man telling me so, how can I not trust you?”
Hoo: “I am a bit refined, aren’t I? You must’ve fallen for me somehow.”

Soon-yi excuses herself to go to the restroom, but of course she’s really using that as an excuse to LEAVE! And she takes a cab to the AIRPORT!

Hoo anxiously waits for her, and finally finds a letter she slipped into his pocket. It reads (and if you don’t tear up reading/watching this, you are made of stone. Stone, I say!):

“Do you know? I’ve liked you for a really long time. The first day we met, we ran into each other and I fell down, and my skirt flipped over. You were surprised, but I thought to myself, ‘When I grow up, I’m definitely going to marry you.’ Maybe that’s why, but whatever you did, I liked you. I wanted to make you pretty things, or share my lunch with you. When we had homework, I wanted to do it all for you. It was like that. I thought that’s just how our feelings were back then… but those feelings have brought us this far.”

As we see a flashback of all the sweet moments between Hoo and Soon-yi, her letter continues:

“But, they say first loves don’t come true. So, I think I’ll stop here. I don’t want to be more selfish. Because… I was really happy.”

Hoo tries to find her, and finally learns from Young-Nam that Soon-yi’s going abroad to study. It’s too late to catch her, because she’s already boarded the plane and is probably gone.

Hoo, shocked and crushed, goes back to his room, alone, as Soon-yi finishes her letter:

“Thanks for becoming someone I can see, wherever you are. I’ll always be cheering you on.”

The Queen and the Prime Minister still want to push through with Sae-ryung marrying Hoo, but she surprises them by asking them to forget about those intentions. She sees now that she lacks many things befitting Hoo’s wife. Her father is angry that she ruined a done deal, but Sae-ryung says that (kind of marriage) is the same self-sacrifice her mother made. She’d always resented her mother, but now she feels she can understand her.

Paternity results are in! Joon still believes he’s Jo Sang-ki’s son, and asks his father to forgive his mother for deceiving him. But Hyo-jang grabs Joon into a crushing hug, wracked with tears.

Joon truly IS Hyo-jang’s son.

Wow, this is so sad. So beautifully ironic.

Even though Hyo-jang was so violently insistent that Joon was his son, and that he didn’t care if he wasn’t, you get the sense that he didn’t truly think of him as his own. He thought he did, but once he realized Joon really is his blood, he realizes how much it means that it’s true — and feels the pain of everything he’d lost and wasted by believing otherwise.

Joon’s mother explains that she’d lied to Jo Sang-ki, so he would keep the evidence safe. “It was to protect you. If it’s to save my son from harm, I can do anything.”

Meanwhile, Jo Sang-ki sends Hoo a letter, acknowledging that he’d let Hoo down by falling for one woman’s lies. He feels he must leave the country and start afresh to atone.


…….AND THREE YEARS LATER……. (I know!!)

Hoo has been made Jeonha, having officially assumed the successorship to Pye-ha (who is still Pye-ha). Hoo has become quite busy attending to his royal obligations.

In all this time, he hasn’t seen Soon-yi at all, until she ends up as a foreign delegate’s attendant.

Hoo is unsettled at seeing her, and when he goes back to his office, he wonders to Han Sung Gung: “Though time has passed, why have my memories grown stronger?”

Han Sang Gung wisely replies: “Though time passes, your mind may not allow it to forget. In those times, follow the path of your heart, Jeonha.” (How awesome is she?)

Hoo is startled to realize her meaning. She was always the stiff Sang Gung who used to always tell him personal feelings should stay out of things. Why the change? Han Sang Gung tells him, “Because you are a person before you are a prince.” She also tells him that it’ll be difficult persuading Hwang Tae-hu. Also, in order to succeed, he must be sure to do something — and then whispers a secret tip into his ear.


On an official trip to Jeju Island, Hoo and Soon-yi are brought together, but things are awkward. They’ve also gone back to speaking polite (joen-dae) speech, and Soon-yi keeps her distance There, they run into Sae-ryung, who’s watching over of a bunch of kids as their teacher.

Sae-ryung and Soon-yi are genuinely glad to see each other again. Soon-yi also notes that Sae-ryung and Hoo have become closer over the years, and even speak in informal (banmal) speech. It appears that while Soon-yi has been away, Hoo, Joon and Sae-ryung have all become close friends.

They accompany Sae-ryung and her kids to the beach, where they sit, not talking, but both remembering the same conversation from when they were kids:

Young Hoo: “Hey, is this the first time you’re seeing the ocean?”
Young Soon-yi: “It’s my first time here. It’s so pretty, huh? When I’m older, gotta come here for my honeymoon, right?”
Young Hoo: “Who says I’ll marry you?”
Young Soon-yi: “Who says I’LL marry you? And I’m already claimed anyway.”
Young Hoo: “What? Atlas de sedimento urinario pdf descargar. By who?”
Young Soon-yi: “I have my worry bear, Manito. I’m going to marry Manito.”

Sorry to be shallow, but Hoo and Soon-yi make such an attractive couple. I like them even better together as adults.

These days, Hoo even calls Joon “Joon hyung,” which is weird because he used to only ever call him “Moon Sung Gong.” Joon’s become a successful indie musician — still a prince, but mostly living a private life.

Soon-yi and Joon catch up, and Joon tells her Hoo was very lonely these past years.


Hoo: “I was curious, why you had to go to such lengths to leave me.”
Soon-yi: “If I didn’t, you wouldn’t have let me go.”
Hoo: “All right, fine. ‘I’m a commoner, you’re royalty, so we don’t suit and there would be a lot of problems” — let’s not say those things. In the past three years, I tried really hard to forget you. I thought I’d forgotten, but the moment I saw you, I knew. That hating you, forgetting you — for me, that’s impossible. Yang Soon. Let’s start again.”
Soon-yi: “It’s not that easy. You know it too. And also…”
Hoo: “Also what?”
Soon-yi: “My work. It wasn’t always easy, but I’m doing a good job now. There are people depending on me, and I want to do well for this work I like.”

Soon-yi was planning on leaving Korea to go back abroad in a few days, but Hoo is surprised when his new attendant is brought in. (The former male attendant to the Pye-ha is retiring, and so the female Shi Jong Gwan has been promoted. So to take her place…)

Soon-yi received a particular recommendation from the Pye-ha to be the new Shi Jong Gwan.

Soon-yi: “I worried a lot, but you look good. You look like you belong in this place. I thought a lot about whether this was the right decision. But then I received Pye-ha’s recommendation. But I still have a lot of worries… I worry that I might ruin things for you.”
Hoo: “Follow me. School days visual novel cg gallery. I have something I want to show to the girl with lots of worries.”

And he brings her to the room he’s filled with worry bears…

Hoo explains about all how there are so many things to worry about in the world… Soon-yi says he’s simple so he won’t have many worries, and Hoo agrees: “You’re right. Except for one thing. My worry over lost love. But now, I have a feeling that’ll work out well, too.”

“Because, I got a secret tip from Han Sang Gung.”

“Men… are all about 19+!” (i.e., risque, mature situations)

(Note: Literally, he says, “Men are all about the 19+ restriction!” If you’re American, it’s similar to an NC-17 concept. So, they’re about the risque. :D)



This post is already insanely long, if you’ll indulge me:

I usually groan at the “__ years later” trick pulled in many kdrama finales, but I was good with this one. In Delightful Girl Choon Hyang, for instance, I liked the time lapse because both characters needed to grow up — particularly Mong-ryong, who’d always been supported by Choon-hyang. In My Girl, on the other hand, I thought it was unnecessary and melodramatic.

For Goong S, it worked for me because Hoo and Soon-yi needed time to grow up, to experience life, and find themselves before coming back together. Life experience and struggle makes you stronger, and Hoo matured nicely in the intervening time. Also, Soon-yi has always been buffeted around by the whims of people more powerful than her — she needed to take charge of her life and realize her own potential. She’s become the capable, intelligent woman of the world she promised Hoo she’d become in Episode 19. And now, no one can accuse them of being thoughtless teenagers operating on fleeting feelings, because their connection goes so much deeper.

Unlike most Goong S fans, or more likely what I think the perception is of most Goong S fans, I was not a Seven (or Se7en) fan, and didn’t start watching the drama for him. In fact, when I heard he was cast, I was disappointed because I wasn’t optimistic about his acting skills (I didn’t hate him; I just didn’t care about him). And although I enjoyed watching the original Goong, I wasn’t a diehard fan. So I started watching Goong S out of curiosity.

Initially, I was disappointed that the show didn’t seem to live up to its potential. But for some reason, I kept watching… No matter how you criticize the show, I feel like it’s got a certain X-factor that hooks you in, that allows you to overlook objective weaknesses because of its overall charm. I even grew to like Seven, whose acting is still raw, but the guy’s got presence. I still don’t care for his music, but I respect him and think he did a good job with his role. I don’t know if someone else would’ve played Hoo so pure-hearted, eager, noble and yet vulnerable all at once, and that would have been a loss.

There were a few episodes in the middle there that nearly made my eyes bleed in boredom, but the latter half of the series picked up. I’ve had such fun translating and recapping this show. Okay, I’m (finally) shutting up now.

Gomawo-yo for reading along!

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Directed by Hwang In-roi (황인뢰), Kim Soo-yeong (김수영)

Screenplay by Do Yeong-myeong (도영명), Lee Jae-soon (이재순)

•Comedy•Romantic comedy•Drama•Fantasy•Romance

MBC Airing dates : 2007/01/10~2007/03/15

20 episodes
Her Royal Highness, the Queen, is still unwed despite being in her early thirties. Since she is an only daughter with no prospect of bearing a child in the foreseeable future, the royal succession is left in uncertainty when the current heir to the throne meets a sudden death. Seizing the opportunity afforded by this crisis, the conservative faction, which presently holds sway at the Court, begins plotting for the crown. Sensing the threat, the Queen secretly searches for a new Crown Prince outside the palace walls and discovers Lee Hu, a young man who has been making his living by delivering Chinese food, in complete ignorance of his royal heritage. Hu, who has never even dreamed of becoming the King, is unexpectedly ushered into the palace and subjected to strict training to become the royal heir. This is where the main action of “Prince Hours” begins. Lee Hu is forced to compete with Lee Jun, the perfect candidate for Crown Prince strongly backed by the extended royal family. The two young men vie for the royal succession as an intricate web of conflicts, plots, and schemes unfolds around them. This is a story about communication.Communication between friends, between men and women, between parents and children, between monarchs and subjects, between teachers and students..Based on the premise that Korea is a constitutional monarchy led by a queen, “Prince Hours” opens a new chapter in fusion fantasy historical drama. It seeks to explore in depth the idea of communication between people, as well as the repercussions of a breakdown in such communication.By introducing a protagonist from a simple, working-class background to palace life, the show endeavors to find common ground for communication that begins at vastly differing eye levels.If there are no “perfectly parallel” lines in the world, all lines must surely meet someday; conveying the hope for this future “intersection” is the new yet familiar objective of “Prince Hours.” This story is a fairy tale preserving our lost innocence.The fantasy of a utopia where all can enjoy equality and happiness has long since been shattered.Still, each of us retains the memory of a time when we were genuinely happy.Depicting the 21st century in a 19th-century-style setting, “Prince Hours” will take contemporary audiences on a journey to rediscovering the innocence we once had. This story uncovers our lost ideal of “noblesse oblige.”The tale, which opens during the reign of Korea’s first queen since the restoration of the monarchy, investigates the definition of leadership demanded by today’s society, and the essence of the “noblesse oblige” imposed on those who reach positions of leadership.As the country’s sovereign, the Queen must now ask herself what kind of example she must set for her people, and practice true leadership that transcends personal gratification.Suffering the growing pains attendant on his rebirth as the Crown Prince, the hapless young man who could barely take care of himself and his family must learn the deeper truth that with great privilege comes great responsibility and that sometimes one must give up one thing to obtain another.Rather than being completed individuals, these characters are leaders-in-progress who must yet undergo numerous mistakes and trials. They are also reflections of ourselves as we strive toward our respective goals.The understanding that noblesse oblige is not an obligation limited to a particular class but one that can be given to anyone, as well as a shared responsibility for all to uphold together—this is the ultimate destination of “Prince Hours.”
Lee Hu (Prince Yeong-seong) – Se7en (Choi Dong-wook)
“The Screwball Chinese-Delivery-Boy Crown Prince”
Hu is a direct descendent of the royal family, with true blue blood running in his veins. But he himself is utterly oblivious to this fact, and ekes out a living by making deliveries for a Chinese restaurant in Incheon.
Although he screws up everything he does, he is an optimistic young man with a positive outlook and a cheerful constitution. He is the reigning champion of Chinese deliveries, able to complete any delivery within 7 minutes or less.
Despite severely lacking in culture and education, Hu’s natural affability allows him to make friends easily. The problem is that he is apt to “show off” his martial arts skills every chance he gets.
In fact, he has no real “skills” to speak of, but he certainly puts up a good front and some people actually fall for it. Most of the time, the fights he picks start and end with words. Even when it comes to entertainment—whether it be comic books, movies, or the occasional novel—his only genre of preference is martial arts fantasy.
One day, out of the blue, a messenger from the palace comes looking for the earnest and hardworking Hu.
“What do you mean, I have royal blood in my veins? What are you talking about?”
After living his whole life as Kang Hu, he must now become Lee Hu, Living in the palace and undergoing training to become a Crown Prince..
ang Sun-ui – Heo I-Jae
“An unpredictable, vivacious, and romantic goofball of a girl”
A royal attendant-in-training at the Court, Sun-ui is a rather unpredictable, extremely forgetful klutz with no sense of direction. After half a year of living in the palace, she still gets lost at every turn.
And why is the palace such a maze anyway? Sun-ui is easily swept away by romance novels and dreams of a fated love, but in reality she is just a humble royal attendant, the lowest class among all ladies-in-waiting. And an attendant-in-training at that..!
Sun-ui and Hu met as children in their hometown, and went to primary school and middle school together.
It would be great if their relationship was a thrilling romance, like in novels and the movies, but.. alas, no such luck.
For Sun-ui, who always loses her way and constantly forgets her errands, and Hu, who wears the same red long underwear until the cicadas start to sing, the only memories they have of their long relationship are of catfights and arguments.
Then, one day, Hu left their hometown. And, on yet another fateful day, Hu shows up at the palace.
Lee Jun (Duke Munseong) – Kang Doo
“A arrogant, brazen-faced prince with a charismatic smile”
The son of Lee Gyeom, the Grand Duke Hyojang, Jun received the title of Duke Munseong from the Court.
Shining even brighter thanks to the radiant influence of his father, who wields the real power behind the government, Jun is also the conservative faction’s preferred candidate for the position of royal heir.
Since he was a mere child, he has been meticulously “groomed” by the overly assiduous attentions of his fussy mother, Lady Jang, and the rigorous instruction of his father, Lee Gyeom.
On the outside, he appears impertinent and cynical, but his subtle sensibility wins over the ladies.
Until Hu came to the palace, Jun assumed that he would naturally be named the Crown Prince.
Hu’s greatest strength is Jun’s greatest weakness: Hu boasts the royal lineage that Jun lacks. The fight for the position of Crown Prince has now begun.
When Jun accidentally discovers Hu’s Achilles heel, Attendant Yang Sun-ui, he tries to use her in his attempt to undermine Hu.
Shin Se-ryeong – Park Sin-hye
“An ambitious and stately daughter of the high aristocracy”
An aristocratic family of high and longstanding repute. A father who is expected to become the next prime minister.
Se-ryeong is the only daughter in a family that has it all: renown, power, and wealth.
All through school, she has never once yielded her place at the top of her class. She also possesses extraordinary beauty, and is more logical and rational than anyone around her.
Naturally, she is proud, haughty, and plainspoken, which makes her appear disdainful at times, but she’s nonetheless fair-minded in her own way.
She has a strong sense of right and wrong—so much so that she loathes betrayal, hypocrisy, and deceit.
But she’s also annoyingly selfish and despises relationships based on mere sentiment, such as loyalty and sympathy.
Episode Guide
< Episode 1 >
In 2007, Korea is under the rule of its first Queen in the history of the nation. Kang
Hu, who happily rides a battered motorcycle along his Chinese delivery routes, is
the self-proclaimed “handsomest delivery man of Chinatown.”
The monthly “Chinese Delivery Battle” is an important event in Incheon’s Chinese
food industry. The winner enjoys exclusive delivery rights in the harbor area, which
is the industry’s largest customer base, for an entire month—a reward that cannot be
given up without a fight. Cho Sang-gi, the owner of the Palace Chinese Restaurant
where Kang Hu works, is like family to the orphaned Hu. Mr. Cho and Hu join forces
against Bul-bam and his cohort, from a rival Chinese restaurant, in a no-holds-
barred faceoff. Thanks to Mr. Cho’s superhuman cooking speed and dexterity, Hu
receives the requisite bowls of noodles and reports to the battle starting line. But
Bul-bam’s top-of-the-line motorcycle ends up leaving Hu far behind.
Meanwhile, a messenger carrying the queen’s secret missive visits the Palace
restaurant. At the same time, Hu, who is out on a delivery, is ambushed by a group
of unidentified men in black suits..
< Episode 2 >
Kang Hu unexpectedly finds himself living in the palace by the order of Queen Hwa-
in. Threatened by Hu’s unexpected appearance, the extended royal family decides to
hasten the appointment of Lee Jun, son of the powerful Lee Gyeom and an ideal
candidate for the throne, as the Crown Prince.
The Queen introduces Hu for the first time at a banquet attended by the entire royal
family and the aristocracy. However, Hu’s uncultured behavior offends the party
guests. Despite the extended royal family’s objections, the Queen moves to bestow
the title of “Prince Yeongseong” on Hu and formally adds his name to the royal family
register. As a direct descendent of the previous king, Kang Hu must now change his
name to Lee Hu. Divining the Queen’s unspoken intention to make Hu the Crown
Prince, Lee Gyeom tries to deter her by enlisting Shin Jae-man, who is the
candidate to be the next Prime Minister, and proposes that his son Jun become
betrothed to Shin’s daughter Se-ryeong.
Meanwhile, Hu starts to undergo rigorous training to acquire the dignity and
discipline required of a member of the royal family. Court attendant-in-training Yang
Sun-ui, who happens to be Hu’s childhood friend, gets in constant trouble due to Hu’
s antics. At the Royal Academy, a prestigious university for royalty and the
aristocracy, Hu develops an instant crush on Se-ryeong and devotes his efforts to
wooing her rather than to study..
< Episode 3 >
Hu makes an irretrievable blunder shortly before the policy council for deciding
whether or not he will be incorporated into the royal family. Owing to Lee Gyeom’s
machinations, Hu’s mistake becomes known to the extended royal family and his
incorporation into the royal family is postponed. The Queen, who sets out to fix the
problem herself, also suffers a blow.
Jun, who has been groomed his whole life for the position of Crown Prince,
watches Hu’s unruly behavior with a troubled mind. Although Hu is completely
unsuited to be a member of the royal family, he has emerged as the next in line for
the throne on the sole claim of being a direct descendent of the royal bloodline.
Unable to suppress his anger toward Hu, Jun lets his fist fly.
Se-ryeong, who has been watching Jun and Hu’s fisticuffs with interest, informs her
father that she wishes to postpone her engagement to Jun. She intends to wait and
see who the true winner turns out to be. Meanwhile, Sun-ui, who became involved
in Hu’s accident(?) against her will, may have to leave her position at the palace..
< Episode 4 >
The Queen tells Hu that in order to live as a member of the royal family, he must
forget the 20 years he lived outside the palace walls. She adds that the choice is up
to Hu himself. Moved by her sincere words, Hu promises to do his best to adjust to
palace life. However, each day sees another of Hu’s antics splashed across the
media headlines, and the public’s opinion of Hu suffers a continuous decline.
After much deliberation, the Queen makes a deal with Lee Gyeom to allow Hu’s
incorporation into the royal family and manages to win the approval of the extended
royal family. Meanwhile, Jun becomes witness to a series of blunders by Sun-ui
and starts to look with affection on the artless attendant-in-training.
Waiting with her heart in her throat for the decision of the Disciplinary Committee,
Sun-ui vows never to consort with Hu, who has landed her in this mess. On the day
that the promotions for attendants-in-training are announced, Sun-ui’s name fails to
be called out till the very end..
< Episode 5 >
Finally, after many trials and tribulations, Sun-ui is promoted to the post of royal
attendant. Unfortunately, far from relishing her success, she is hard put to hide her
perturbation in the face of Jipyeonggak’s new occupants. When Se-ryeong comes to
the palace to visit Jun, she senses a strange tension between the two young
princes and Sun-ui. She observes the hapless attendant with a wary eye, and
comes across an unexpected revelation.
After being assigned his own quarters, Hu begins to attend the Royal Academy and
embarks on his palace life in earnest. Not a day goes by without some sort of mental
or physical challenge. He also tries hard to make up for his previous mistake, which
had landed Sun-ui and Queen Hwa-in in trouble. Still, he cannot help wondering
why his mother, who had left the palace of her own will, wished to send him back
here. His mother’s hidden story and the royal family’s troubled history are both
mysteries he must unravel.
Bul-bam and Chu-ba come to see Hu at the Royal Academy. Delighted to see his
old friends, Hu tries to hang out with them as he used to but only succeeds in
reminding himself of his radically changed circumstances. As his loneliness and
insecurity deepen day by day, he finds Sun-ui to be his only consolation. They still
argue at every turn, but the more time they spend together, the more Hu finds himself
growing interested in his childhood friend. Soon, he begins to be troubled by Sun-ui’
s familiarity with Jun..
< Episode 6 >
Now that Jun knows about Sun-ui’s longstanding history with Hu, he feels
uneasiness at the sight of them together. Still, he is unable to restrain his deepening
attraction to Sun-ui. Grand Prince Hyo-jang and the extended royal family, buoyed
by Jun’s successful entrance into the palace, apply redoubled pressure on the
Queen to name an heir. She manages to put them off with an uncharacteristically
strong response, but realizes that she needs a more practical means of protecting
Hu’s royal training is intensified by the addition of a dedicated instructor. The Queen
and the Queen Mother appoint Se-ryeong as an aide to assist in Hu’s education.
Despite her father’s objections, Se-ryeong accepts the post, which allows her to
frequent Jipyeonggak and keep a watchful eye on Sun-ui.
Sun-ui, in turn, is irritated by Se-ryeong, who constantly accompanies Hu and
issues all sorts of difficult orders. Receiving an invitation to Se-ryeong’s party, Sun-
ui considers turning down the offer, but cannot bring herself to ignore the gesture of
goodwill; in fact, Se-ryeong has even sent her a dress for the occasion. Se-ryeong,
the queen of the party, wows her guests with her natural gift for dancing. But when
Sun-ui, decked out in a dress instead of her usual uniform, enters the room, the
spotlight suddenly shifts and even Hu and Jun are unable to take their eyes off her..
< Episode 7 >
Hu attempts to restore his suddenly-awkward relationship with Sun-ui, but it isn’t as
easy as it might seem. Whenever he comes near her, she ends up being scolded or
placed in a predicament. Sun-ui, on the other hand, berates herself for repeatedly
hurting Hu’s feelings with words she doesn’t mean.
Amid a constant barrage of lessons, including martial arts and schoolwork, Hu finds
the palace taking up more and more of his daily life. He searches for his own
answers even as he is thrown against towering walls and seemingly
insurmountable obstacles. However, he clashes fiercely with Court Lady Han, who
demands that he not only abandon his treasured belongings and friends but turn his
back entirely on his life outside the palace walls—a conflict that plunges the royal
family into deep concern and anxiety.
Se-ryeong becomes aware of the subtle changes affecting her in regard to Hu: she
finds herself excited and flushed at the sight of the young prince. At the same time,
she is unsettled and hurt by the alteration in Jun, who has returned to playing his
long-abandoned guitar. Meanwhile, Court Lady Han continually drills into Sun-ui the
difference in status between royalty and a mere attendant. Sun-ui laments her
position and regrets not going further in school. When she becomes interested in
applying to the Royal Academy, Jun encourages her. It also causes him to looks
back on the straight and narrow path he has thus far walked in life..
< Episode 8 >
A terrorist attack breaks out at a charity auction that the Queen attends with Jun and
Hu in tow. The assault, which was aimed at the Queen, fails thanks to Hu’s
intervention, but Hu is rendered unconscious as a result and the Court suffers a
serious shock. The incident, however, greatly improves the public’s perception of
Hu; it also allows him to forge a stronger bond with his newfound family. On the
other hand, it brings home to him the existence of hidden antagonistic forces, which
instills him with a sense of responsibility.
Se-ryeong receives a gift from her mother, with an accompanying note conveying
her regrets at not being able to attend her daughter’s engagement party.
Unfortunately, the gift is the same one she sent Se-ryeong on a previous occasion.
Se-ryeong’s loneliness deepens at this evidence of her mother’s indifference, but
seeing Hu, who is cheerful and courageous even though he has also grown up
without a mother’s care, makes her consider her own situation in a new light.
The Queen Mother, who secretly covets Se-ryeong as a potential spouse for Hu,
tries to divine the young prince’s feelings for the girl. However, Hu is increasingly
taken with Sun-ui, with whom he has become far closer since the terrorist attack.
Finding Sun-ui asleep while cleaning his room, Hu lays her down on the bed and
finishes her job for her. Jun goes up against his father, adjuring him not to sacrifice
Se-ryeong to his ambitions, but the irate Grand Duke Hyo-jang merely orders Si-
yeon to discover the cause of Jun’s changed attitude.
< Episode 9 >
Driven by an inexplicable sense of urgency, Hu braves significant risk to visit Sun-
ui. But Sun-ui sends him away with cold words, only to spend the whole night
tossing and turning. Jun conveys a message of encouragement to Sun-ui regarding
her application to the Royal Academy. Sun-ui is confused by Jun’s confession, but
finds herself paying increasing heed to his earnest advice.
Troubled by the change in her son, Yun-hui goes to see Se-ryeong, but the girl’s
evasive replies only strengthen her dark suspicions. Yun-hui visits Jipyeonggak and
observes Sun-ui closely. While returning from school, Hu learns from the agitated
atmosphere among the royal attendants that Sun-ui has once again landed in
trouble. Sun-ui appeals her innocence, but Hu and Jun are the only two people in
the entire palace who believe in her blamelessness. Sun-ui’s predicament causes
the two princes to form an unexpected alliance.
Meanwhile, the incident surrounding Sun-ui reminds Hu of his parents. He visits his
father’s grave, but suffers humiliation at the hands of a group of elderly people who
have been angered by some leaked UCC footage. Hu rails against a world that
would insult his mother for his mistakes, but the Queen sternly tells him that such
injustices should impel him to ponder what his own course of action should be..
< Episode 10 >
Hu turns to his trusted father figure, Sang-gi, for more information about his mother’s
past, but the older man refuses to investigate the issue. He tells Jun that even if
there is a hidden truth, it would be useless if Jun cannot defend it before the world.
The lips of the elder members of the royal family are likewise sealed tight. With each
passing day, the path that Jun must take becomes clearer to him.
To console Hu, the Queen Mother persuades Court Lady Han to return his former
belongings, including his motorcycle and the Chinese delivery case. Hu thanks the
Queen Mother for her kind gesture, but remarks that he no longer has need for such
things. Instead, he asks her for a special favor.
Se-ryeong is distressed to see Jun heading down a path that will likely bring him
adversity and regret, but Jun tells her that he would like to try treading that path
without her help. After overhearing their conversation, Hu asks Se-ryeong if she
would offer him help should he ask for it.
With the release of the Prime Minister’s statement, the members of the extended royal
family flock to the palace. Faced with their clamor for the announcement of an heir,
the Queen declares that she will name her successor at the ceremony celebrating
the seventh anniversary of her coronation. She shocks everyone present by stating
that she will select the person most qualified for the position, regardless of their
place in line for the throne.
< Episode 11 >
Before the royal family elders and the members of the policy council, the Queen
announces that Hu and Jun are to undergo a test to measure their qualifications for
the position of Crown Prince. The test will evaluate the two princes in the fields of
literature, martial skill, art, intelligence, and bravery, which are the educational
ideals of the Royal Academy, and the quality of virtue, which is indispensable for
someone who is to succeed to the throne. The battle between the two would-be
Crown Princes finally begins.
All eyes both within and outside the palace are bent on the battle between the two
princes. Sun-ui, busily preparing for her entrance examination to the Royal
Academy, and Se-ryeong, whose interest in Hu has intensified after the breaking off
of her engagement to Jun, are also anxiously awaiting the outcome of the battle.
The first task in the battle is announced: the restoration of the damaged artwork,
“Gunsangeokdo.” “Gunsangeokdo” is an illustrated poem, but the illustration and the
calligraphy are the works of two different people. The artwork would lose its
significance if the painting and the poem do not achieve a perfect harmony;
unfortunately, the illustrator and the calligrapher hate each other. Hu is charged with
persuading the artist, while Jun is charged with winning over the calligrapher, but
the task proves to be far from easy..
< Episode 12 >
Thanks to Hu and Jun’s efforts, the misunderstanding and secret surrounding
“Gunsangeokdo” come to light; the illustrator and the calligrapher reconcile and
collaborate in the restoration of the artwork. In the process, the secrets shrouding
the creation of the three sets of royal engagement rings and their transmission to
Grand Princes Hyo-jang, Hyo-in, and Hyo-seong are also revealed, causing Hu and
Jun to ponder the meaning and intention behind them. Meanwhile, the Queen finds it
difficult to declare a winner for this first task..
The Court decides to place “Gunsangeokdo” and the three sets of royal engagement
rings on display together, to commemorate their shared significance. Hearing the
news, Jun goes to his mother to recover Hu’s set of rings, but she refuses to hand it
over. Sun-ui, also worried that Hu will be placed in a difficult position on account of
the rings, seeks out Jun’s mother as well. Armed with a steely resolve, she
proposes a deal to Yun-hui..
1. 궁S
2. Miracle - 하울
3. 전하지 못할 말 - J
4. 나무 - A&P
5. Remember (Drama Ver.) - 동방신기
6. 너와 함께 - 바닐라유니티
7. Super Bike (Drama Ver.) - Yellow Tail
8. 사랑바라기 - 소리아
9. 좋아좋아 (Drama Ver.) - 바닐라유니티
10. Miracle Ballad Orc. Version
11. 化仁(화인)
12. Who?
13. 경복궁 Jig
14. Secret Waltz
15. 風來君相億(풍래군상억)
16. 궁 이야기
17. Secret Waltz (with strings)
18. 밖으로 닫힌 창
19. 구름 같은 세상
20. Miracle Happy Run Version

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