Kinetix 3d Studio Max 3.1

Presentation on theme: 'Modeling and Animation with 3DS MAX R 3.1 Graphics Lab. Korea Univ. Reference URL :'— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling and Animation with 3DS MAX R 3.1 Graphics Lab. Korea Univ. Reference URL :

2 3D Studio Max

3 Features & Benefits Modeling & Animating tool by Kinetix. Used various fields such as character animation, game development, and visual effects production. User friendly interface and easy to use. Object oriented design - Objects in Max are analogous to objects in C++ (We can approach by programming plugins) High quality. Many artists use.

4 Menu Bar Tab Panel Command Panel Orthographic Viewports Perspective Viewport Viewport Control

5 Section #1 Modeling

6 Create Button Creation Parameters Object Type Creation parameters for BOX include length, width, height, and numbers of segments in each of the three directions.

7 Modifying Object Click on “Modify” button to right of “Create” button. Click on the “Bend” modifier and adjust the angle to your liking.

8 Box does not appear to be bent, because not enough segments are used to display it.

9 Select “Box” on the Modifier Stack drop down menu. Change the numbers of segments in the creation parameters.

10 Switch to “Wire Frame” view so we can see the segments.

11 Now add a twist modifier and choose the twist angle.

12 This is not what you wanted. Edit the modifier stack to put the twist before the bend.

13 Use cut and paste to put the twist modifier before the bend modifier.


15 Modifier Stack Record of sequence modeling operations: –Earliest operations on bottom of stack. –Latest operations on top of stack. Allows user to return to earlier operations and change the way they were done. The user may, delete and re-order operations on the stack.

16 Section #2 Editing

17 Converting a Parameterized Object to an Editable Mesh Create a sphere. Add a “Mesh Select” modifier. Indicate “Select by Vertices”.

18 At this level of the modifier stack, the object is a mesh composed of vertices, faces and edges. It is not a parameterized sphere object.

19 Editing an Editable Mesh Go to an orthographic viewport. Click on the “Select Object” arrow on the Main Toolbar. Drag a box around the vertices in the upper hemisphere.


21 Editing Editable Mesh Add an Xform modifier, under “More” on the Command Menu. Choose “Non-Uniform Scaling” on Main Toolbar. Choose “Parent” coordinate system on Main Toolbar. Choose “Transform Coordinate Center” on Main Toolbar.

22 Non-Uniform Scaling Parent Coordinate System Transform Coordinate Center Constrain to Y Axis

23 Max Provides Lots of Options for Controlling Transformations Choice of coordinate system: World, Parent, Local, etc. (Determines coordinate axies.) Choice of “Pivot”: Object’s own pivot, Selected objects’ collective pivot, Center of coordinate system. (Determines centers of scaling and rotation.) Constraining action to lie along one or two named axies.

24 Adjust view using viewport controls.

25 Material and Texture Mapping Click “Material Editor” above the control pannel. A editor window appears. You can choose shading modes, specular amount, colors, opacity etc. Click a small button beside of diffuse color. A window opens. Double click “Bitmap” at the top of the lists. File selection window will appear. Choose texture file. Click “Assign Material to Selection” button to assign texture and click “Show Map in Viewport”

26 Assign to Material to Selection Show Map in Viewport

27 Section #3 Animation

28 Linked Object Animation Draw 3 cylinders at the front viewport. and select one at the top of three. Click on “Select and Link” at the right side of “Redo” Button. Drag mouse to middle cylinder. Select middle cylinder and drag to bottom cylinder as same before. Try to move or rotate each cylinders. Click Hierarchy Tab on Control Pannel and click “Affect Pivot Only” and move each cylinders pivot to desired position.


30 Linked Object Animation Click “Affect Pivot Only” once again to disable pivot mode. Try to rotate or move each cylinder then you will see how the linked hierarchy is constructed. Activate Front viewport and select bottom cylinder. Click “Animate” button and move Time Slide Bar to frame 50. Rotate cylinder about 45 degree. (or right click on the “Select and Rotate” button to input value manually) It means that cylinder moves 0~45 degree in 50 frames. Move Time Slide Bar to frame 100(You can see previous cylinder moves) and rotate cylinder about –45 degree.( or any value you want ) Do the same above with other cylinders. Click Play button at the right side of Animate button and see how linked cylinders move.


32 Assignment # One Rigid Object (Save as.max) # One Linked Object (Save as.max) # One Screen Shot for Rigid Object # Four Screen Shots for Linked Object Animation (ex : frame 0, 35, 65, 100) * 2.max files & 5 image files

33 Homework #1 Due to 3/26 PM 12:00 (3/27 AM 0:00) Build 2 object without animation follow. * Car, Airplane, Ship, Building etc.(not linked) * Jointed Robot-like object. (Don’t be pressed to make humanoids. Whatever linked thing you want.) With Robot, assign pivot and animate. (Snake, Bipedal, 4-legged, Industrial Robots etc.) Option For non-Robotic object, animate with 3 controllers each. * Bezier, TCB, Path

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