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  • Rosanna Nichols
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1 Fall 2007 & Spring 2008 M/W/F 8:25-9:15 Emmaus Bible College Dr. James M. Van Dine BT 102 Old Testament Survey I A survey of the books of the Old Testament covering the period from Creation through the Davidic monarchy. Attention will be given to the distinctive message and major features of each book with an emphasis on the Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic Covenants as they pertain to God s purposes for Israel and the world. The mission of Emmaus Bible College is to glorify God through the teaching of the Bible and through educating and equipping learners for service and leadership in their ministries, communities, and vocations. This mission will be furthered for the Emmaus student through Survey of the Old Testament by achieving the following objectives: Upon the successful completion of Old Testament Survey-I the student will: 1. Be able to name, spell, and arrange canonically the books of the Old Testament. 2. Be able to identify, by book and chapter, key concepts, persons, and events of this portion of the Old Testament. 3. Be able to summarize the message of each Old Testament book studied. 4. Be able to sketch the basic outline of Old Testament history against the political and geographical background of the ancient Near East. 5. Be able to articulate some major issues of Old Testament historicity and theology. 6. Be able to state the basic issues of the relationship between science and the Bible with respect to origins and the flood. 7. Be able to discuss the creation, purpose, and progress of the nation of Israel during this period. 8. Have a deepened awareness of God s sovereign working in history. 9. Have a deepened appreciation of how the Old Testament prepares for the coming of Messiah Jesus. 10. Have personally, consistently interacted with the biblical text through the practice of journal writing. Please note: If you have learning or test taking issues or any special needs or concerns that make it especially difficult for you to accomplish these objectives, please see the instructor as soon as possible. We will make every effort to address legitimate needs but must know what they are to do so. 1

2 1. The Bible. You may read any version you choose (except the Reader s Digest Condensed version). You may read from more than one version if you would like to compare. 2. Texts. There are two required texts: Arnold, Bill T. and Bryan E. Beyer. Encountering the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998; and Baylis, Albert H. From Creation to the Cross. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, These texts complement one another and will be useful for a lifetime of study. Encountering the Old Testament includes a CD that may be useful in study and review. 3. Composition book. This is required for the Journaling assignment. You must purchase the one from our bookstore. No other type of notebook will be accepted. 4. Class Notes. These will be distributed throughout the semester. Note the accompanying schedule carefully. We will be studying the Old Testament chronologically. This means that we will not always be following the order in which the books occur in our English Bibles. This is a survey course; so we will move quickly, dealing with the big picture and major themes, yet pausing along the way to apply the truth to life. Attendance The student is responsible for compliance with the updated college attendance policy, which includes the following: Students are expected to fully participate in the academic programs at Emmaus. Attendance is required in all classes. Because absences impact the quality of learning, the maximum number of absences without penalty for any reason (illness, emergencies) shall not exceed the number of times a class meets per week. (Absence for college-sponsored activities may be excused by the Dean for Academic Affairs in consultation with the instructor, and is not included in the maximum number of absences.) Additional unexcused absences will result in the reduction of the final course grade by 2% per absence. This may result in failure of the course. Students whose absences exceed 30% of the class meetings will not be allowed to continue attending, and will receive an F for the course. STUDENTS ARE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE TO KEEP RECORD OF ALL ABSENCES. For a M/W/F course three (3) absences are allowed for the above reasons. In addition three (3) lates will count as one absence for the purpose of assessing the grade penalty. If the student is more than 15 minutes late it may be marked as an absence. If a student leaves the room during class it may be marked as a late or an absence depending on the situation. Attendance applies to the mental presence of the student, not merely the presence of the body. Therefore, sleeping in class will likely result in a late mark for attendance, sleeping for more than 15 minutes may be counted as an absence. Students may be asked to leave class for chronic slumber. Student Integrity Emmaus Bible College expects students to complete all academic work with integrity. Students are responsible to complete all of their own work. Dishonesty in the completion of assignments, papers, presentations, examinations or any other academic work is contrary to 2

3 biblical principles of Christian living, and is unacceptable at the college. Cheating, plagiarism, or other violations of academic integrity will result in academic penalty, which may include failure of the assignment, exam, or paper, failure of the course, and further disciplinary action brought by the Student Judiciary committee. The student is responsible for knowing and observing the college s standards with respect to plagiarism and cheating as specified in the revised policy statement. Material Bible EOT FCTC Visual Historical Structure of the Old Testament Introductory Materials on the Book of Genesis (Labor Day - No Class) [ANE Religion] Visual Historical Structure of the Old Testament - Review Gen Introductory Material on the Book of Genesis - Continued Genesis 1-3: Scientific Explanation for Creationism [Age of Earth Articles] The Big Theme of Genesis Relationships Gen Relationships in Genesis Genesis 1-11 (Primeval History) Gen The Genesis Deluge Flood or Fantasy? Gen Covenants in the Bible The Abrahamic, part 1 Gen Covenants in the Bible The Abrahamic, part 2 Gen Contents of the Books of Genesis and Job Gen (Service Day No Class) The Book of Job Job The Book of Job (Part 2) Job The Book of Exodus Exod (Columbus Day No Class) The Book of Exodus (Part 2) Exod The Book of Exodus (Part 3) Exod

4 The Law Exod The Book of Exodus (Part 4) Lev The Book of Leviticus (Part 1) Lev The Book of Leviticus (Part 2) Lev The Book of Leviticus (Part 3) Num The Book of Leviticus (Part 4) Num The Book of Numbers (Part 1) Deut The Book of Numbers (Part 2); 1) Deut ) Deut ) 4) Josh The Book of Joshua (Part 1) Josh The Book of Joshua (Part 2); The Book of Judges (Part 1) Jud The Book of Judges (Part 2); The Book of Ruth; The Books of Samuel (Part 1) Jud The Books of Samuel (Part 2) Ruth The Books of Samuel (Part 3) 1 Sam The Books of Samuel, Kings, & Chronicles (Davidic Kingdom Part 1) 1 Sam The Books of Samuel, Kings, & Chronicles (Davidic Kingdom Part 2) 2 Sam The Book of Psalms (Part 1) 2 Sam The Book of Psalms (Part 2) Psalms The Book of Psalms (Part 3) (Skim) 4

5 The Book of Psalms (Part 4) Psalms JMVA Psalms The Book of Psalms (Part 5); Wisdom Literature (Part 1) Prov Wisdom Literature (Part 2); The Book of Proverbs (Part 1) Prov The Book of Proverbs (Part 2) The Book of Proverbs (Part 3); The Book of Ecclesiastes (Part 1) Ecclesiastes Psalms Song of Songs Prov JMVA Ecclesiastes JMVA Song of Songs The Book of Ecclesiastes (Part 2); The Song of Solomon (Part 1) 1 Kings The Song of Solomon (Part 2); The Book of Kings (Part 1) 1 Kings Psalms The Book of Kings (Part 2) 2 Kings 1-8 Prov The Book of Kings (Part 3) 2 Kings The Book of Jonah, Obadiah & Joel Jonah Obadiah Psalms & The Book of Amos; The Role of the Prophets (Part 1) Joel Prov The Role of the Prophets (Part 2); The Book of Hosea (Part 1) Amos The Book of Hosea (Part 2); The Book of Micah (Part 1) The Book of Micah (Part 2); The Babylonian Captivity (Part 1) Hosea Psalms Micah Psalms

6 The Babylonian Captivity (Part 2); The Book of Isaiah (Part 1) 2 Kings Prov The Book of Isaiah (Part 2) Isaiah The Book of Isaiah (Part 3) Isaiah Psalms The Book of Nahum; The Book of Zephaniah (Part 1) The Book of Zephaniah (Part 2); The Book of Habakkuk (Part 1) The Book of Habakkuk (Part 2); The Book of Jeremiah (Part 1) The Book of Jeremiah (Part 2) The Book of Jeremiah (Part 3); The Book of Lamentations The Book of Ezekiel (Part 1) The Book of Ezekiel (Part 2) The Book of Daniel (Part 1) The Book of Daniel (Part 2) Isaiah Prov Isaiah Nahum Psalms Zephaniah Habakkuk Prov Jeremiah Jeremiah Psalms Jeremiah Lamentations Prov Ezekiel 1-19 Psalms Ezekiel Prov Ezekiel Psalms The Book of Daniel (Part 3) Daniel

7 The Book of Daniel (Part 4); The Books of Nehemiah & Esther (Part 1) The Books of Nehemiah & Ezra (Part 2) The Books of Haggai, Esther & Zechariah (Part 1) The Book of Zechariah (Part 2) The Book of Zechariah (Part 3); The Book of Malachi (Part 1) Daniel 7-12 Psalms Ezra Prov Nehemiah Esther Haggai Zechariah 1-7 Psalms Zechariah 8-14 Prov The Books of Malachi (Part 2) & Chronicles (Part 1) Malachi Chronicles 1-15 Psalms 145- The Books of Chronicles (Part 2); Covenants (Part 1) Covenants (Part 2) Chronicles Prov Chronicles 1-36 The text books (Arnold, Bill T. and Bryan E. Beyer. Encountering the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998; and Baylis, Albert H. From Creation to the Cross. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996) both contain excellent bibliographies for additional reading and research. These will be found at the end of sections and chapters and in the footnotes. 7

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